Silicone Insole

Original price was: ₦7,000.00.Current price is: ₦5,500.00.

EFFECTS AND ADVANTAGESThey provide a sense of comfort and relaxation, as they provide a massaging effect that stimulates circulation of blood.COMPOSITION100% medical grade silicone. MAINTENANCE Rinse with cold water, soap and air dry. Do not expose them to direct alue. Store in a cool, dry place, protected from sunlight. Once dry, before use, we recommend lightly sprinkle with unscented talcum powder.

  • Made from medical grade Silicone to provide optimal shock absorption & cushioning
  • Indicated for Plantar Foot Cushioning, Metatarsalgia, Diabetic Foot, Hyperkeratosis and Fat Pad Atrophy
  • Washable & transferable between shoes
  • Hard wearing and will not bottom out



Product price: 5,500.00
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